Sunday, September 09, 2007

Tristyn Goes To School

Tristyn started school on Thursday. My baby is in kindergarten. Can someone tell me how that happened?

Here she is walking up the hill to her school. It was a very emotional day for both of us. She thought she was excited until the teacher blew her whistle for the kids to line up. Then she realized that I would soon be leaving and that was it for her. There were a lot of tears and I had to really hold it in check so I didn't bawl along with her. It doesn't help to know that I leave on Thursday and can't make sure she is okay every day.

This was the last picture I got before the tears fell. I knew in this instant that things were not going to go well. But, she does love her teacher and her class..she just doesn't love leaving her mommy!

1 comment:

Roo said...

awww! that is super duper hard on the mommy heart, heh?

and how are you doing? how is germany? cant wait to hear about your adventures.