Sunday, July 29, 2007

I Did The Unforgiveable...

I took the kids camping without the camera. A few minutes out of town Holly asks "You remembered the camera..right?". Aaahh, the moment of knowing you forgot something so important. Oh well, at that point, it's too late.

We had an awesome time. Holly & I try and take the kids camping every year. Every year we get people who say "You two, are going alone, with the men?". As if we can't handle it on our own! LOL! We did it..and, had fun!

We build fires, cook over open flames, make smores, built a dam in the river, climbed over rocks, survived bumps, bruises, sunburns and Tristyn learning that it's not okay to throw sand in the air, especially when the wind is blowing and you are in the line of fire. And, the most impressive thing we did was we were able to put Holly's brand new tent back into the bag it came in!

A great weekend with the kids...just no pictures to show you :(


Lisa said...

Good to meet you! Thanks for your comments on the other blog. It looks like you have a lovely family and have lots of fun. The pictures of the babies first steps were precious.

Roo said...

ahhhhh!!! i have done the same thing!! either i forget the camera OR i forget the batteries for the camera!!
