Thursday, December 06, 2007

Polar Express

We went on the Polar Express yesterday. We had a ton of fun. I'm headed to bed but wanted to quickly upload a few of my favorite pictures.

Here's Kyleigh..asking her an iPod :)

Landon, asking for a Nintendo DS

and, Tristyn, asking for Polly Pockets. Here is Kyleigh and Landon with their bells. Santa handed out bells to all the children, just like he does in the movie.

We had a really good time. The train ride was about 2 hours long. I would say the only drawback to the whole thing was it was in the evening. The scenery where this train goes is amazing and I would have loved to see it. The people on the train don't keep the kids entertained the whole time so they got a little bored. But, overall, it was great. Our conductor was a kick and they even brought us hot chocolate and cookies. Plus we sang Christmas Carols and had the Polar Express book read to us.


Roo said...

oh what great great pictures!!! :) just to let you know -- my blog addy had to be changed. with all the wackiness of what i've been waddling through. you can find me at


Tina said...

Hey Heather
I was thinking of you tonight and had to come visit your blog. Drop me an email and let me know how everyone is.

Tina & Angel Lance