Sunday, November 05, 2006

Family Night

I don't have a lot to really write about but we did get our digital camera fixed today so we took plenty of pictures. We had a crazy weekend. Friends over Friday night (which ended with a sleep over), 2 movies at the cinemas on Saturday, Kyleigh having her first youth group "sleep over" and a wonderful lazy Sunday. Today we did nothing but hang around the house and just enjoyed being a family. Here are some pics of our day.

One of Landon's favorite things to do is draw, and he's getting very good at it. Tristyn loves to watch. Here he is drawing his favorite book character - Captain Underpants. Yes, I know, the joys of an 8 year old boy!

Landon & Tristyn posing for a quick hug - this is a rare moment. Actually, they love each other but definately know how to drive each other totally insane - they are very good at it!

Kyleigh and I decided to play some Skipbo. I haven't played this since I was about her age. We had a great time. It's so nice to just be together at home.

Here's Kyleigh thinking about her next move - she's so funny!

I've had a few people ask where the pictures are of Dan & I. So, here is a picture of me. Not a very good one, but cameras and I don't get a long well.

I will download some of Dan as soon as I can. Sundays he has to go to bed early due to his work schedule so he wasn't in on this fun..but, he'll be around tomorrow, and Mondays are family night at the Thomsons so hopefully I can capture some of Dan.

Thanks for checking in on us! Heather


Vergori Family said...

I haven't played Skipbo forever! Looks like you had a really fun day! Thanks for posting a picture of yourself. I did too on my blog-- it's the one with all of us with the pumpkin. I figured that was small enough that no one could really see me!

Heather said...

Oh, I noticed it and was impressed, I should have mentioned it :)